This is Moxie, one of my two pet female rats, in I think a particularly nice photo. She's about 4 months old. Her cage-mate Pepsi is more camera-shy, but I'll try to capture her sometime soon.
The photo is deceptive in one way -- she actually has pink eyes. But when shot with a flash, this makes her looks like the Demon Rat from Hell, so I used red-eye removal. Trust me though, she's still this cute in person.
I would have preferred to see her with the red eye in the more natural "rat from Hell" kind of way. ;-D
Cute rat. Hope you get to post a pic of the other one. I had mice as a kid, and guinea pigs. For some reason my mom would never let me have a rat. I think she said the tails grossed her out.
She's a real cutie EQT. I keep checking back hoping you have a picture of Pepsi.
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